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Angela White-Assemblage

Angela White-Assemblage

October 20, 2024 1pm-5pm


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Studio 55, 55 Howe Road, Martinez, CA

$20 materials fee paid directly to the instructor

Level: All levels
Age minimum: 18+
Minimum 5 | Maximum 8

Join Angela White in this captivating workshop and embark on a journey into the world of found-object assemblage art. Explore influential artists, learn essential techniques, and create your captivating artworks inspired by themes such as nature, environment, memory, events, social commentary, objects, or abstract non-representational ideas. This workshop is an excellent opportunity to unleash your creativity, expand your artistic horizons, and be a part of the vibrant world of assemblage art.

Suggestions for what to bring to create art personal to you:

1. Materials: Perfect materials for assemblage include buttons, machine parts, wire, toys, game pieces, recycled plastic objects, jewelry, foam board, small boxes, lids, bottle caps, shells and other items from nature, beads, fabric pieces, pottery fragments, patterned paper, recycled materials, or any item that speaks to you.

2. Substrate: Sturdy, hard material such as cardboard/chipboard, recycled cardboard boxes, decorative gift boxes, wooden boxes, and the insides of wooden art cradles. A substrate box will be provided.

3. Toolbox: X-Acto knife, utility knife, cutting mat, sharp scissors, serrated knife, brushes, metal ruler, hammer, small nails, pencils, white tacky glue, hot-melt glue gun, glue sticks, gel medium, acrylic paints, markers, and gesso.